Last night, I was brainstorming with her in a pre-writing session. My big issue with this story is that it's so simple I make it complicated. And it's so complicated that I get lost in it. Of course, all this is in my head! In reality it's not so bad. (At least, that's what we keep telling ourselves! I think Christina will disagree once we go at this MS with shearing scissors.)
Anyway, this is what happens when we brainstorm. At least sometimes.... *ahemALWAYSahem*
Cindy: hahaha
what was your idea?
you said you had an idea for what to write next?
are you going to go with it?
me: just an idea. idk
Cindy: stop thinking about the sub plots
and write the idea
me: hhahahaha
im not. now im talking to X. lol
Cindy: I command you!
me: bahahahha
Cindy: Did that work?
me: no
Cindy: lol
me: hahahahaha
Cindy: I just emailed her
me: hahha
me: emailed about what?

Cindy: shakes wand
me: stuffs fingers in ears
Cindy: to apologize for not getting her MS back to her yet
me: i think she's got a whole revision now
you should check before you start that
expecto patronum
Cindy: damn you!
and your Harry Potter knowledge
I must re-read those books
me: heheheheh
we must say that
anytime we get a bright idea
get it?
Cindy: I do!
me: im punny.
Ahahaha you girls crack me up!